
FAX-L1000 Chapter 5: Appendix
d) Operations
When this unit is attached to the main unit, the main unit can be used as a PCL printer. This
unit has a centronics interface, and can be used as a local printer by connection with a PC.
Also, the following options are available with this board.
•FAX-L1000 Network Printer Upgrade Kit
•FAX-L1000 PostScript Kit
•RAM DIMM Module
Figure 5-89 Options
Connecting this unit to the main unit gives it printer, fax, and copy functions.
With these functions, print operation is not done in priority sequence if performed
simultaneously. Instead, the first function to request printing begins to print. However, one
exception is when printing data received by fax and there is a request for printing from the
printer, printing from the printer takes priority.
If a PDL unit is attached, the PRT. Message button on the lower right of the control panel
LCD becomes available. When switching between fax and print operations, press the PRT.
Message button. The printer button becomes unavailable when faxing, and the fax button
becomes unavailable when printing.
Adapter board
PDL board
FAX-L1000 Network
Printer Upgrade Kit
TWINS board
Firmware ROM DIMM
Parallel interface connector
FAX-L1000 PostScript Kit