Appendix A: RTU Open Points/Properties
62 RTU Open
Select a color band on the setpoint graph to see the current setpoints in the
fields. See setpoint
descriptions below.
The occupied setpoints described below are the setpoints under normal operating conditions. The Demand Level 1–3
setpoints apply if demand limiting is used.
Demand limiting is a cost-saving strategy to reduce energy consumption. The strategy expands the occupied heating and
cooling setpoints when the system reaches one of 3 levels of consumption. With the expanded setpoints, the equipment
works less, thereby saving energy. By default, Demand Level 1 expands the occupied heating and cooling setpoints by 1°F,
Demand Level 2 by 2°F, and Demand Level 3 by 4°F. If the occupied heating or cooling setpoints change, the (effective)
demand level setpoints automatically change by the same amount. See Sequence of Operation 42 (page ) for more
Range: -40 to 245°F
70°F – Green
The heating setpoint the controller maintains while in occupied mode.
69°F 68°F 66°F
74°F – Green
The cooling setpoint the controller maintains while in occupied mode.
75°F 76°F 78°F
– Light Blue
The space temperature must be less than the
setpoint for the
VVT Master to consider the zone a heating caller in a linked system. In a single-
zone application, the heating requirement begins as soon as the space
temperature falls below the
setpoint. We recommend that the
value be set no less than 0.5°F below the
68°F 67°F 65°F
– Dark Blue
The space temperature must be less than the
setpoint to
generate a low space temperature alarm. We recommend that this value be set no
less than 0.5°F below the
67°F 66°F 64°F