REMOTE OCCUPANCY — This input is used to provide an
external clock input to enable all 18 of the local schedules, start
the loop pumps, and enable loop temperature control.
Remote Occupancy:
Display Units Discrete ASCII
Default Value Disable
Display Range Enable/Disable
Network Access Read/Write
SYSTEM/SHUT DOWN — This discrete input is used to
provide a signal from the fire alarm panel that will shut down
the Aquazone™ System Control Panel, disable the system
zone relays, and send out a command to shut down the water
source heat pumps.
System/Shut Down:
Display Units Discrete ASCII
Default Value Enable
Display Range EmStop/Enable
Network Access Read/Write
OVERRIDE INPUT FOR ZONE 1-18 — These inputs are
used to sense an external dry contact that override/enable each
of the 18 local schedules, start the loop pumps, and enable loop
temperature control.
Override Input for Zone 1-18
Display Units Discrete ASCII
Default Value Disable
Display Range Enable/Disable
Network Access Read/Write
PUMP NUMBER 1 — When the Aquazone System Control
Panel is configured for variable speed pumping, this point
displays the speed of Pump 1, as determined by a PID loop set
to control supply water pressure. When the Aquazone system
control panel is configured for constant flow this point will
display 0% when the pump is OFF and 100% when the pump
is on.
Pump Number 1
Display Units %
Default Value 0
Display range 0-100
Network Access Read/Write
PUMP NUMBER 2 — When the Aquazone system control
panel is configured for variable speed pumping, this point
displays the speed of Pump 2, as determined by a PID loop set
to control supply water pressure. When the Aquazone system
control panel is configured for constant flow this point will
display 0% when the pump is OFF and 100% when the pump
is on.
Pump Number 2
Display Units %
Default Value 0
Display range 0-100
Network Access Read/Write
NUMBER OF STAGES — Table 13 is used with the follow-
ing four points to determine the number of stages that should
be active for the percent output displayed and the hardware
installed with the Aquazone system control panel. When the
outputs are configured for staging the second output will ramp
up when the first output has reached 100%. While the second
output is controlling the temperature the first will be held at
100%. When the second output ramps down to zero percent the
first output will resume temperature control.
Table 13 — Total Number of Stages
zone system control panel is configured for variable speed
cooling tower control, this point displays the speed of tower
fan 1. When the Aquazone system control panel is equipped
for staged output, this point displays the percent of stages
commanded. The actual number of stages active will be
determined by the staging cards ordered with the Aquazone
system control panel. See Table 13. The value displayed is
determined by a PID (proportional/integral/derivative) loop set
to control the supply-water temperature at the Occupied high
set point.
Cooling Tower 1 Speed/Level
Display Units %
Default Value 0
Display range 0-100
Network Access Read/Write
zone system control panel is configured for variable speed
cooling tower control, this point displays the speed of tower fan
2. When the Aquazone system control panel is equipped for
staged output, this point displays the percent of stages com-
manded. The actual number of stages active will be determined
by the staging cards ordered with the Aquazone system control
panel. See Table 13. The value displayed is determined by a
PID loop set to control the supply water temperature at the
Occupied high set point.
Cooling Tower 2 Speed/Level
Display Units %
Default Value 0
Display range 0-100
Network Access Read/Write
HEAT SOURCE 1 SPEED/LEVEL — When the Aquazone
system control panel is configured for modulating heat source,
this point displays the percent open or percent heat capacity re-
quested. When the Aquazone system control panel is equipped
for staged output, this point displays the percent of stages com-
manded. The actual number of stages active will be determined
by the staging cards ordered with the Aquazone system control
panel. See Table 13. The value displayed is determined by a
PID loop set to control the supply water temperature at the Oc-
cupied Low set point.
Heat Source 1 Speed/Level
Display Units %
Default Value 0
Display range 0-100
Network Access Read/Write
Output Displayed
45 50 95 100
Stage Activated
— 1 — 2
Stage Deactivated
1 — 2 —
Output Displayed
20 25 45 50 70 75 95 100
Stage Activated
— 1 — 2 — 3 — 4
Stage Deactivated
1 — 2 — 3 — 4 —