HEAT SOURCE 2 SPEED/LEVEL — When the Aquazone™
system control panel is configured for modulating heat source,
this point displays the percent open or percent heat capacity
requested. When the Aquazone system control panel is
equipped for staged output, this point displays the percent of
stages commanded. The actual number of stages active will be
determined by the staging cards ordered with the Aquazone
system control panel. See Table 8. The value displayed is
determined by a PID loop set to control the supply water
temperature at the Occupied Low set point.
Heat Source 2 Speed/Level
Display Units %
Default Value 0
Display range 0 100
Network Access Read/Write
SYSTEM FOR ZONE 1-18 — These Outputs are is used to
enable a group of thermostats by energizing and deenergizing
the associated zone relays.
System for Zone 1-18
Display Units Discrete ASCII
Default Value Off
Display Range On/Off
Network Access Read/Write
Software Points —
The software points are shown in
Table 14.
Table 14 — Software Points 65 to 96 (SWP65-96)
OUTSIDE AIR TEMPERATURE — This software point is
included to receive an Outside Air Broadcast. If the system
is set up with Outside Air Broadcast, a control force will
be displayed on the OAT point of all system controllers.
For systems with factory-installed PremierLink™ controllers,
the individual unit leaving water temperature sensors are
connected to the OAT point. When OAT broadcast is enabled,
the leaving water temperature sensors connected to the
PremierLink controllers may be displayed temporarily by
removing the Outside Air Broadcast force. The Outside Air
Broadcast will be refreshed the next time the outside-air
temperature is broadcast.
Outside Air Temperature:
Display Units degrees F (degrees C)
Default Value –40.0
Display Range –40.0-245.0
Network Access Read/Write
system control panel is configured for constant flow, this point
displays the current lead pump. This point may be forced to
keep the lead pump the same for more than the maximum
hours difference required for pump rotation. When the pump
runtime hours difference becomes greater than the maximum
number configured the pump runtime hours for both pumps
will reset to zero.
For example, the default maximum hours difference for
rotation is 50 hours. If the Lead Pump was forced to 2, so that
pump 2 is the lead pump, then the pump 2 runtime hours will
accumulate until the difference between the pump 1 and pump
2 runtime hours becomes greater than 50. The both will reset to
zero and pump 2 will start accumulating again.
Lead Pump Constant Flow:
Display Units Numeric
Default Value 1
Display Range 1 or 2
Network Access Read/Write
VARIABLE SPEED PUMPING — If the Aquazone system
control panel is configured for variable speed pumping, this
point will indicate when the pumps are requested to be running.
Variable Speed Pumping:
Display Units Discrete ASCII
Default Value Disable
Display Range Enable/Disable
Network Access Read/Write
COOLING TOWER 1 — This point indicates when the first
cooling output is requested to control loop temperature.
Cooling Tower 1
Display Units Discrete ASCII
Default Value Disable
Display Range Enable/Disable
Network Access Read/Write
COOLING TOWER 2 — This point indicates when the sec-
ond cooling output is requested to control loop temperature.
Cooling Tower 2
Display Units Discrete ASCII
Default Value Disable
Display Range Enable/Disable
Network Access Read/Write
HEAT CONTROL 1 — This point indicates when the first
heat output is requested to control loop temperature.
Heat Control 1
Display Units Discrete ASCII
Default Value Disable
Display Range Enable/Disable
Network Access Read/Write
HEAT CONTROL 2 — This point indicates when the second
heat output is requested to control loop temperature.
Heat Control 2
Display Units Discrete ASCII
Default Value Disable
Display Range Enable/Disable
Network Access Read/Write
PUMP 1 RUN TIME — This point displays the number of
hours that the pump has run. When the maximum number of
hours is exceeded (9999 hours), both pumps run time hours
will reset to 0.
Pump 1 Run Time
Display Units Numeric
Default Value 0
Display Range 0 to 9999
Network Access Read/Write
Outside Air Temperature
94.94 dF OAT
Lead Pump Const. Flow
1.00 LEAD
Variable Speed Pumping
Disable VSPC
Cooling Tower 1
Disable COOLT1
Cooling Tower 2
Disable COOLT2
Heat Control 1
Enable HEATC1
Heat Control 2
Disable HEATC2
Pump 1 Run Time
Pump 2 Run Time