
f. Provide reprogrammability and configuration
through a memory card. The memory card
automatically downloads new software to the
Controllerwhen inserted, and controls output tothe
display for status information.
g. Provide electronic data storage.
For thebenefit of the reader theremaining parts
of section 3.1 will devote themselves to the
temperature controller portion of the module.
For the integrated DataCORDER refer to
section 3.3.
3.1.2 Controller Programming (Memory) Cards
The programming cards are used for loading software
into the Controller. This is the same concept as using a
floppy diskette to load software into a personal
The software that can be loaded into the Controller
module comes in one of two forms: “Operational
Software” or “Configuration Software.”
Procedure for loading software:
Refer to section 6.27.1.
Operational Software:
This software operates t he Controller module, which
turns fans on and off, turns the compressor on and off,
Configuration Software:
This software tells the Operational Software what
physical components are built into the container unit.
Refer to Table 3-1.
Programming cards with eitherOperational Softwareor
Configuration Software are available through CTD
Replacement Components Group.
The use of a configuration program card in the field
should only occur under unusual circumstances. Some
of these circumstances may include:
a. A Controller module that has an older version of
Operational Software, when the need exists to
upgrade to a newer version of the software.
b. A physical component in the container unit is
changed to a different component, resulting in a
new configuration for the unit.
c. A C ontroller module was damaged in such a way
that theintegrity or existence of software within the
module is questionable.