Starting with test P7-0 through test P10, these testsare onlyincluded with the “Auto2” (Optional)selection
menu. (Refer to section 3.2. 1. )
Setup: When the unit is running, the condenser fan is de-energized, and a 15
minute timer is started. The right display shows discharge pressure if equipped
with the discharge pressure transducer (DPT), or condenser pressure if
equipped with a condenser pressure transducer (CPT), or discharge pressure if
equipped with either a discharge pressure transducer (DPT) or a condenser
pressure transducer (CPT).
Pass/Fail Criteria: The test fails if high pressure switch fails to open in 900
Note, this test is skipped if the unit does NOT have:
S A compressor discharge sensor (CPDS).
S A discharge pressure transducer (DPT).
S Condenser pressure transducer (CPT).
h Pressure
In addition, this test is skipped if:
S The sensed ambient temperature is less than 7_C(45_F).
S The return air temperature i s less than --17.8_C(0_F).
S The water pressure switch (WP) is open, indicating that the unit is
operating with a water-cooled condenser.
Switch Closed
Pass/Fail Criteria: Under conditions of the above Note, the test immediately
fails if the following inputs are sensed to be invalid:
S Compressor discharge sensor (CPDS).
S Discharge pressure transducer (DPT).
S Condenser pressure transducer (CPT).
OR if any one of the following inputs are sensed to be invalid:
S Return temperature sensor (RTS).
S Ambient sensor (AMBS).
In addition, the test will fail if:
S The high pressure switch (HPS) fails to open within 15 minutes.
S The discharge temperature exceeds 138_C (280_F).
S The discharge temperature is less than or equal to ambient temperature
plus 5_C(9_F).
S The condenser pressure transducer (CPT) or discharge pressure
transducer (DPT) pressure exceeds 27.42 kg/cm
(390 psig).
High Pressure
Switch Open
Requirements: Test P7-0 must pass for this test to execute. Setup: The
condenser fan is started and a 60 second timer is started.
Pass/Fail Criteria: Passes the test if the high pressure switch (HPS) closes
within the 60 second time limit, otherwise, it fails.
Perishable Mode
Heat Test
Setup: If the container temperature is below 60_F, the set point is changed to
60_F, and a 60 minute timer is started. The left display will read “P8-0.” The
control will then heat the container until 60_F is reached. If the container
temperature is above 60_F at the start of the test, then the test proceeds
immediately to test P8-1 and the left display will change to “P8-1.”
Pass/Fail Criteria: The test fails if the 180 minute timer expires before the
control temperature reaches set point. The display will read “P8--0,” “FAIL.”