
Abbreviations and Explanations
The 19XL machines use HCFC-22 and HFC-134a refrigerant. When referencing refrigerant
charges in this manual, the HCFC-22 charge will be listed first and the HFC-134a value will be
shown next to it in [ ].
Words printed in all capital letters or in italics may be viewed on the LID.
The PSIO software version number of your 19XL unit will be located on the front cover.
Frequently used abbreviations in this manual include:
CCN Carrier Comfort Network LID Local Interface Device
CCW Counterclockwise LCW Leaving Chilled Water
CW Clockwise OLTA Overload Trip Amps
ECW Entering Chilled Water PIC Product Integrated Control
ECDW Entering Condenser Water PSIO Processor Sensor Input/Output Module
EMS Energy Management System RLA Rated Load Amps
HGBP Hot Gas Bypass SCR Silicon Control Rectifier
I/O Input/Output SI International System of Units
LCD Liquid Crystal Display SMM Starter Management Module
LCDW Leaving Condenser Water TXV Thermal Expansion Valve
LED Light-Emitting Diode