Lubrication Cycle
The oil pump, oil filter, and oil cooler make up a package located partially in the transmission
casting of the compressor-motor assembly. The oil is pumped into a filter assembly to remove
foreign particles, and is then forced into an oil cooler heat exchanger where the oil is cooled to
proper operational temperatures. After the oil cooler, part of the flow is directed to the gears and
the high speed shaft bearings; the remaining flow is directed to the motor shaft bearings. Oil
drains into the transmission oil sump to complete the cycle (Figure 4).
Oil is charged into the lubrication system through a hand valve. Two sight glasses in the oil
reservoir permit oil level observation. Normal oil level is between the middle of the upper sight
glass and the top of the lower sight glass when the compressor is shut down. The oil level
should be visible in at least one of the 2 sight glasses during operation. Oil sump temperature is
displayed on the LID default screen. Oil sump temperature ranges during compressor operation
between 100 to 120 F (37 to 49 C) [120 to 140 F (49 to 60 C)].
Click here for Figure 3 — Refrigerant Motor Cooling and Oil Cooling Cycles