
Installation & User Guide
AX200 Installation & User Guide – July 2007
Card number up to 10 digits
Imprint number 20 characters – usually the number printed on the card
First name 30 characters maximum
Middle name 30 characters maximum
Last name 30 characters maximum
Nickname 30 characters maximum
Initials 10 characters maximum
Employment type e.g. contractor, visitor, part-time - unlimited number of characters
Department 50 characters e.g. Administration, Sales
Job title 20 characters maximum
Access group 50 characters - which doors the cardholder has access
Card type each card can be a different format or facility code, allowing use
of a variety of existing cards within the same technology
Card status active, lost, stolen, suspended, destroyed, inactive
PIN code from 1 to 6 digits (individual per user)
Photo graphic file e.g. BMP, JPEG, GIF
Other Info
Includes a few more details about the cardholder and the employer.
Previous card(s) previously issued card numbers and reasons for cancellation e.g.
Total number of cards total number of cards issued to this person
Issue date records the date the card is entered onto the system
Employer multi-company support for shared entrances etc or site
Report to manager’s name
Employment date use drop down calendar or type in date
Contract duration enter number of months
Phone number 30 characters maximum
Extension number 50 characters maximum
Fax number 30 characters maximum