Installation & User Guide
AX200 Installation & User Guide – July 2007
Redetec sensors are Input/output modules specifically designed to be used with Redetec units to
provide the ultimate cabinet protection. Redetec is a self-contained automatic fire extinguishing
unit, which can be used in many industry sectors.
Like all the other plug & play smart sensors, redetect sensor is connected to the I-box using a
standard sensor cable only. The unit takes 2 inputs, Faults & Fire. The output signal is the
Isolate command which puts the extinguishing circuit in complete isolation. This disables the
extinguishing section for maintenance purposes.
Hardware Connection Details
Fault and fire inputs are taken from one
of the external connector blocks located
at the rear of the Redetec unit. Both of
these connections are normally closed.
The opposite diagram illustrates the
external connections between the rear
connecting block and the Redetec
The output relay on the sensor should
be connected to the key switch located
in front of the Redetec unit. There are
six wires connected to the key switch 5
of which are connected to the main
processor card located at the front.
These connections are in 2 separate
rows. Looking from the top, from the 3
wires that are closer to the main
processor card, the bottom 2 (Black &
Blue) are the ones that need to be connected to the output relay on the Redetec sensor. Please
note that there are 2 blue wires connected to the key switch; one of which is connected to the
relay card on the side. The connection should be made between the blue wire going to the main
processor card and the out put relay on the sensor.
Sensor Settings
Once you’ve plugged the sensor into the I-box a new device wizard will appear and the sensor
will automatically be added to the database. To view the sensor settings go to the environment
screen, click on the appropriate I-box and select the Redetec sensor.