Part IV
Instrument-Specific System Exclusive
19 Format
This section explains the format of the Instrument-specific System Exclusive Messages. See “V Parameter
List” and “VI Parameter Set List” for information about how parameter sets actually are transferred.
19.1 Message Classifications
Basically, the operation that corresponds to Instrument-specific system exclusive messages is parameter
data transfer.
The following operations can be performed from an external device using this parameter transfer
• Modification of an individual Instrument parameter
• Batch modification of a particular Instrument parameter set
• Import of an individual Instrument parameter value
• Batch import of a particular Instrument parameter set
In addition to parameters being used as device setting values, some parameters act as commands
when received by the Instrument and as device status information when sent from the Instrument.
The following table shows the parameter category for each type of transfer.
Function Section Parameter Category Description
System System Commands to the Instrument, Instrument stats
All All user data
Performance Controller Song User Song
Scale Memory User Scale Memory
Sequence Song Sequencer
Registration Registration
Lesson Rec Recorder Song(Play-Along)
Rhythm User Rhythm
Sound Generator Patch Sound source common settings (system effects, mas-
ter settings, etc.), Instrument part settings (tone se-
lection, mixer channel setting, tuning, etc.)
Tone Sampled sound (melody/drum) selected by the user
Drum Sampled sound (drum) referenced from “Tone” cat-
egory parameters
Instrument Individual instrument setting referenced from
“Drum” category parameters
Wave Parameter Sampled sound Wave setting
Wave Data Waveform actual data referenced from “Wave Pa-
rameter” category parameters