Parameter ID R/W Block Size Array Min-Def-Max Description
Model Name 0000 R 000000 7 08 00-20-7F Ascii Character
LK-211.........."LK-211 "
LK-280.........."LK-280 "
WK-220/WK-225..."WK-220 "
WK-330.........."WK-330 "
Program Revision 0001 R 7 08 00-20-7F Ascii Character
Ex. " 12345"
General Register 0002 R/W 8 01 00-00-FF General-purpose register for communication test
23.2 Data Management Parameter
These are information acquisition and operation command parameters for this Instrument’s Data Man-
ager PC application.
Parameter ID R/W Block Size Array Min-Def-Max Description
Ps Category 0005 W 00000000 7 01 00-00-7F Specifies the category ID of the
parameter set that corresponds to an
Ps Memory 0006 W 7 01 00-00-7F Specifies the memory ID of the
parameter set that corresponds to an
Ps Number 0007 W 14 01 0000-0001-3FFF Specifies the number of the parameter
set that corresponds to an operation.
Ps Data Type 0008 R 8 01 00-00-FF This the data type of the parameter
set in the specified category.
Compatibility is provided between
models with the same type.
Current Ps Existence 0009 R 1 01 00-00-01 Whether a parameter set exists in the
specified category.
Current Ps Protect 000A R 1 01 00-00-01 Protect status of a parameter set data
in the specified category.
Current Ps Size 000B R 32 01 00000000-00000000-FFFFFFFF Size of a parameter set in the
specified category/number (bytes).
Current Sub Ps Size 000C R 32 01 00000000-00000000-FFFFFFFF Total size of a parameter sets under
the specified category (bytes).
Current Ps Name 000D R 8 08 00-20-7F Name of a parameter set in the
specified category (ASCII characters).
Max Ps Size 000E R 32 01 00000000-00000000-FFFFFFFF Maximum size of parameter sets in the
specified category (bytes).
Max Ps Number 000F R 14 01 0000-0000-FFFF Maximum number parameter sets in the
specified category (bytes).
Current Free Size 0010 R 32 01 00000000-00000000-FFFFFFFF Size of current parameter set free
space in the specified category
Max Free Size 0011 R 32 01 00000000-00000000-FFFFFFFF Maximum size of parameter free space
in the specified category (bytes).
Delete Ps 0012 W 1 01 00-00-01 Deletes parameter sets in the
specified category.
Values are ignored.