k Basic Operation Commands
" " (Text string display)
Function: Causes the text string inside the quotation marks (" ") to appear on the display.
Syntax: "<text string>"
Example: "Test #01"
Description: Enclosing alphabetic characters, numerals, calculation commands or other
text inside the quotation marks (" ") causes the text to be displayed as comment text. “<text
string>” can contain up to 255 bytes of text.
(Value input for assignment to a variable)
Function: Displays a prompt for input of a value to be assigned to a variable.
Syntax 1: ?→<variable name>
Syntax 2: "<text string>" ?→<variable name>
Example 1: ?→A
Example 2: "Input"?→
• This command pauses the program and displays a prompt for input of a value to be assigned
to a variable. Syntax 1 displays a question mark (?) for the prompt, while Syntax 2 displays
the <text string> text followed by a question mark (?). Up to 255 bytes of text can be
specified for the <text string>.
• Input in response to the input command must be a value or an expression, and the
expression cannot be a multi-statement.
• You can specify a list name, matrix name, string memory, function memory (fn), etc. as a
variable name.
? (Display of the variable’s current value and value input for assignment to a variable)
Function: Displays the value currently assigned to a value and prompts for input of new value
to be assigned to the variable, if desired.
Syntax 1: ?<variable name>
Syntax 2: "<text string>" ?<variable name>
Example 1: ?A
Example 2: "Input"? A
• This command pauses the program and displays a prompt
for input of a value to be assigned to a variable on the left
side of the screen. At the same time the value currently
assigned to the variable is displayed on the right side of
the screen.
• Syntax 1 displays a question mark (?) for the prompt, while Syntax 2 displays the <text
string> text followed by a question mark (?). Up to 255 bytes of text can be specified for the
<text string>.
• Input in response to the input command must be a value or an expression, and the
expression cannot be a multi-statement.
• An alphabetic character from A to Z can be specified as the variable name.