4.5.1 Overview
Initiate SIPANEL.EXE and call SIPANEL.DLL to control the SIPanel. The SIPanel will be initiated in the
non-display mode. If it has already been initiated, it will be displayed as specified by the command line
options. If it has already been displayed, it will be set to non-display and all parameters other than /Q will be
4.5.2 Options of Command Line
Format: sipanel.exe [/Q] [/T|0|1|] [/D|0|1|] [/N|0|1|] [/L|0|1|] [/Px,y] [/Sw,h]
One specification unit consists of a ' / ' and an alphabet (not case-sensitive) plus a number. To specify
multiple units delimit them by inserting a space after each unit (order of unit specification does not matter).
All parameters other than those listed below will be ignored (invalid).
/T1 ......... Adds a text area. If keyboard character is touched once it will be temporarily displayed in
the text area, and, if the Return key is touched, it will be transferred to a currently active
/T0 ........ Does not add a text area. (Initial condition default.)
/D1 ....... Establishes a drag area in the upper section of the screen. This drag area is a range in which
a mouse event is detected if the display position of SIPanel is modified.
If the drag area extends beyond the display range, dragging is no longer possible.
/D3 ......... Does not establish a drag area. Dragging is not possible.
/D0 or /D2
Establishes a drag area on the left side of the screen. (Initial condition default.)
/N2 ........ Displays a panel that only contains numeric keys.
/N1 ........ Adds numeric keys to the standard keyboard.
/N0 ........ Does not add numeric keys to the standard keyboard. (Initial condition default.)
/L1 ........ Activates the Caps Lock key.
/L0 ........ Deactivates the Caps Lock key. (Initial condition default.)
/Px,y ..... Specifies the coordinates of the top left corner of the SIPanel.
"x" should be between 0 and 479 of the X-axis coordinate, and "y" should be between 0 and
239 of the Y-axis coordinate. "x" and "y" should be separated by comma (",").
The default values are x=0 and y=0.
/Sw,h ...... Specifies the width and height of SIPanel to be displayed.
"w", the width, should be between 1 and 480, and "h", the height, should be between 1 and
240. "w" and "h" should be separated by a comma (",").
The default values are w=320 and h=120.
If values that are to small are specified, tapping the panel has no effect and, consequently, a
key input is not possible. Unless otherwise specified, the parameters will retain their previous
If SIPanel is initiated without a parameter being specified, the following condition is employed for the
sipanel.exe /T0 /D0 /N0 /L0 /P0, 0 /S288, 100