
7.2 List of Supported Commands
Among file transmission protocol, this file transfer utility (FLCE) can support the following specific
Table 7.1 List of supported commands
SupportedNo. Command
Specify on
command line
Request by
comm. partner
1 File transmission
2 File reception
3 File append
4 File/directory delete
5 File mode/update
6 Directory creation
7 Time setup
8Time request
9 Message display
10 Buzzer ON
11 File information acquisition
12 File information setup
13 Disk information acquisition
14 Acquisition of session ID and system information (see note 1)
15 IDLE notification (see note 1)
16 Order of termination (see note 1)
1. Functions 14, 15 and 16 are used internally by the protocol. You do not need to specify these commands
on the command line.
2. All files are transferred in binary mode with date/time of file creation and attribute.
3. If file transmission fails, a part of the file at reception side is disregarded and none of data in the file will
be saved.