GS ( k QR Code <Function 180>
Programming Reference
[Format] ASCII GS ( k pL pH cn fn m d1 dk
Hex 1D 28 6B pL pH 31 50 30 d1 dk
Decimal 29 40 107 pL pH 49 80 48 d1 dk
[Range] 4 ≤ (pL + pH x 256) ≤ 7092 (0 ≤pL≤255, 0≤pH ≤27)
cn = 49, fn = 80
m = 48, 0 ≤ d ≤255
k = ( pL + pH x 256) – 3
[Description] Stores the QR Code symbol data (d1...dk) in the symbol save area.
Data stored in the symbol save area by this function is processed by Functions 181. The
data in the symbol save area are reserved after processing Function 181.
k bytes of d1...dk are processed as symbol data.
It is possible to encode to a QR Code as follows. Be sure not to include anything except
the following data in the data d1...dk.
Characters it is possible to specify
Category of data
Numerical Mode data “0“ ~ “9“
Alphanumeric Mode data “0” ~ “9“, “A” ~ “Z“, SP, $, %, *, +, –, . , /, :
Kanji Mode data Shift JIS value (Shift value from JISX0208)
8-Bit Byte Mode data 00H ~ 7FH or 8EH ~ DFH