
GS v 0
Programming Reference
[Name] Print raster bit image
[Format] ASCII GS v 0 n xL xH yL yH d1 dk
[Description] Selects raster bit-image mode. The value of n selects a mode from the table below:
Hex 1D 76 30 n xL xH yL yH d1 dk
Decimal 29 118 48 n xL xH yL yH d1 dk
[Range] 0 n 3, 48 n 51
0 xL 255
0 xH 255
0 yL 255
0 yH 8
0 d 255
k = (xL + xH x 256) x (yL + yH x 256) (k 0)
[Default] n = 0
n Mode
0, 48 Normal
1, 49 Double-width
2, 50 Double-height
3, 51 Quadruple
dpi: dots per inch(25.4mm)
xL, xH select the number of data bytes (xL+xH x 256) in the horizontal direction for the
bit image.
yL, yH select the number of data bytes (yL+yH x 256) in the vertical direction for the bit