User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Encoder 2200
Chapter 1 Installing the Cisco Digital Media Encoder 2200
9. The following buttons and their respective actions represent your choices:
• Press the <ENTER> button to select and continue.
• Press the Menu button to cancel and exit.
10. The next menu offers you the choice to enable DHCP for the network interface.
11. Using the <UP> and <DOWN> buttons, you can toggle the selection from the No to the Yes option.
After you make your selection, press the <ENTER> button to input the change. The encoder will
confirm that you wish to change this setting.
12. Press <ENTER> to confirm your choice. The encoder will return to the menu to select another
individual setting to modify.
13. To input a static address for the IP address and/or Gateway, select either from the menu, and press
the <ENTER> button.
14. Using the <UP> and <DOWN> arrow keys to increment numerical value, enter a static IP address.
15. Press the <STREAM> button to move to the next field.
16. When you have correctly entered the IP address or Gateway address, press <ENTER> to input the
data into the encoder. When setting a static IP address, a screen will appear that will allow you to
set the subnet address.