User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Encoder 2200
Chapter 2 Getting to Know the Cisco Digital Media Encoder 2200
DME Security Best Practices
Factory-Defined Login Credentials
Table 2-2 lists login credentials that are predefined on DMEs.
Changing Factory-Defined Login Credentials
Be very careful as you complete this workflow. Any mistakes that you make might prevent your DME
from booting correctly or functioning correctly.
Before You Begin
• This workflow uses the instance of Microsoft Windows that runs on your DME. Even though a
remote management connection might be sufficient, we recommend instead that you connect a
keyboard, a mouse, and a monitor to your DME directly and use them to control Windows.
• From Step 1, this workflow assumes that your DME is either new or in a factory-restored condition.
If this is not true, or if you are not sure, we recommend very strongly that you perform a factory
restore operation now.
Table 2-2 Factory-Defined User Accounts and Passwords
Username Password
DME Model
DMS-DME 2200
DMS-DME 2000
DMS-DME 1100
DMS-DME 1000
User Accounts for Microsoft Windows — See Harden Windows, page 2-12.
GoStream password
1. In 5.2.187 and later releases on a DME 1000.
— — — X
Never configure a DME to log in automatically. Doing so
prevents true security in your network.
If — despite our recommendation — you configure a DME to log into
Windows automatically, password management becomes far more
complex. Thus, any time that you neglect to change an auto-logon
password specifically, you will prevent your DME from working as
designed. See
Other Required Password Maintenance (Only When
Autologon Is Configured), page 2-13.
Niagara password X X X —
SCXUser viewcast X X X X Used for the Niagara SCX service as well as the web service. This is not
the user account that is used to log-in to Niagara SCX.
User Accounts for the Niagara SCX Web Interface — See Harden the web interface, page 2-13.
admin admin X X X X Used for the web-based administrative console on DMEs.
Login is possible only through a system from which your DME is
reachable. Its connection to your DME might be either direct