
Note: If you want the user to manually enter a LEAP password, then this must be set directly
on the Cisco 7920. Step 21 at the end of this subtask explains how to setup the Cisco 7920 to
prompt for LEAP passwords. You do not need to enter a password in the Password field
before you export this configuration.
Set the all of the WEP keys to None.
Note: If you use LEAP authentication and you enable broadcast key rotation on the Cisco
Aironet 1200 AP, you can enable WEP without entering WEP keys on the client device.
Click Export and the next popup window appears. It is not required that you save the settings to a
local file; but, if you would like to do so, click OK and then continue with the rest of this procedure.
Note: The previous Note (that the saved configuration file does not include the WEP keys) does not
apply here, because this configuration does not use static WEP keys. Therefore, this configuration can
be successfully loaded back into the Cisco 7920 after it has been reset to the factory defaults.
When this popup window appears, click OK:13.
Select Connection > Logout.14.