
The Network Security configuration screen appears. This is the screen where you enter the
Authentication Type and the static WEP keys. The 128−bit WEP keys are created using 26
hexadecimal digits (1−9, A−F).
Note: The static WEP keys must be the same on the Cisco 7920 and on the wireless infrastructure
devices in your network (in this case, the Cisco Aironet 1200 AP). You might want to keep a copy of
them in a document in a secure location; once they are entered into a device, you can not determine
what the key is from the device itself. If you do not have a record of them, you will have to create new
keys when you add a new device or reconfigure an existing device.
Note: The Cisco 7920 supports up to four static WEP keys. Only one static WEP key is required.
Caution: Client devices that do not use Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) must contain
the Access Points transmit key in the same key slot in the client devices WEP key lists. However,
the key does not need to be selected as the transmit key in the clients WEP key list. If the transmit
keys are in different slots, then your Cisco 7920 will not be able to communicate with the Cisco
Aironet 1200 AP.
Enter at least one WEP key (in this case, 1234567890abcdef0987654321).
Note: This sample configuration only uses one WEP key. Your live network may require more.
Click the Phone Settings tab.17.
The Phone Settings configuration screen appears. Configure the Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP)
parameters as shown in the next image. Enter the messages as appropriate.