Configuring Dial Peers
Voice over IP for the Cisco AS5800 15
Using the elements, the algorithm is as follows:
For all peers where call type (VoIP versus POTS) match dial peer type:
if the type is matched, associate the called number with the incoming called-number
else if the type is matched, associate calling-number with answer-address
else if the type is matched, associate calling-number with destination-pattern
else if the type is matched, associate voice port to port
This algorithm shows that if a value is not configured for answer-address, the origin address is used
because, in most cases, the origin address and answer-address are the same.
To configure a POTS dial peer for direct inward dial, use the following commands beginning in
global configuration mode:
Note Direct inward dial is configured for the calling POTS dial peer.
Distinguishing Voice and Modem Calls on the Cisco AS5800
When the Cisco AS5800 is handling both modem and voice calls, it needs to be able to identify the
service type of the call—that is, whether or not the incoming call to the server is a modem or a voice
call. When the access server handles only modem calls, the service type identification is handled
through modem pools. Modem pools associate calls with modem resources based on the
called-number (DNIS). In a mixed environment, where the server receives both modem and voice
calls, you need to identify the service type of a call by using the incoming called-number command.
Without this, the server attempts to resolve whether an incoming call is a modem or voice call based
on the interface over which the call comes. If the call comes in over an interface associated with a
modem pool, the call is assumed to be a modem call; if a call comes in over a voice port associated
with a dial peer, the call is assumed to be a voice call.
It helps to understand the logic behind the algorithm the system uses to distinguish voice and modem
calls. The algorithm is as follows:
If the called-number matches a number from the modem pool,
handle the call as a modem call
If the called-number matches a configured dial peer incoming called number,
handle the call as a voice call
Else handle the call as a modem call by default modem pool
If there is no called-number information configured, call classification is handled as follows:
If the interface matches the interface configured for the modem pool,
handle the call as a modem call.
If the voice port matches the one configured as the dial peer port,
handle the call as a voice call
Else handle the call as a modem call by default modem pool
To identify the service type of a call to be voice, use the following commands beginning in global
configuration mode:
Step Command Purpose
Router(config)# dial-peer voice number pots
Enters the dial peer configuration mode to configure a
POTS peer.
Router(config-dial-peer)# direct-inward-dial
Specifies direct inward dial for this POTS peer.