Cisco SIP IP Phone 7960 Administrator Guide
Appendix A SIP Compliance with RFC-2543 Information
SIP Responses
407 Proxy
See comments This response is only received in this
The 407 Proxy Authentication Required
response indicates that the phone must
first authenticate itself with the proxy
server. If received by the phone, the
phone may repeat the INVITE request
with a suitable Proxy-Authorization
field. This field should contain the
authentication information of the user
agent for the next outbound proxy or
408 Request
See comments The SIP phone does not generate a 408
Request Timeout response. For an
incoming response, the gateway initiates
a graceful call disconnect (during which
the caller hears a busy or fast busy tone)
before clearing the call request.
409 Conflict See comments This response is only received the phone
in this release.
The 409 Conflict response indicates that
the INVITE request could not be process
because of a conflict with the current
state of the resource. If this response is
received, the user is notified.
410 Gone See comments This response is only received by the
phone in this release.
The 410 Gone response indicates that a
resource is no longer available at the
server and no forwarding address is
4xx Response Supported? Comments