Cisco SIP IP Phone 7960 Administrator Guide
Chapter 3 Managing Cisco SIP IP Phones
Performing an Image Upgrade and Remote Reboot
Performing an Image Upgrade and Remote Reboot
With Version 2.0 of the Cisco SIP IP Phone 7960, you can perform an image
upgrade and remote reboot using Notify messages and the synchinfo.xml file.
To perform an image grade and remote reboot, a SIP proxy server
and a TFTP server must exist in the phone network.
To upgrade the firmware image and perform a remote reboot, complete the
following tasks:
Using an ASCII editor, open the SIPDefault.cnf file located in the root
directory of your TFTP server and change the image_version parameter to the
name of the latest image.
Using an ASCII editor, open the syncinfo.xml file located in the root
directory of your TFTP server and specify values for the image version and
sync parameter as follows:
<IMAGE VERSION=”image_version” SYNC=”sync_number”/>
image_version is the image version of the phone. The asterisk (*) can be
used as a wildcard character.
sync_number is the synchronization level of the phone. The default sync
level for the phone is 1. Valid values is a character-string up to 32
Send a NOTIFY message to the phone. In the Notify message, ensure that the
an Event header equal to “check-sync” is included.