Cisco MDS 9000 Family Command Reference
78-16088-01, Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3
Chapter 20 Show Commands
show vsan
show vsan
To display information about configured VSAN, use the show vsan command.
show vsan [vsan-id [membership ] | membership interface {fc slot/port | fcip fcip-id |
fv slot/dpp-number/fv-port | iscsi slot/port |
portchannel portchannel-number.subinterface-number}] | usage]
Syntax Description
Defaults None.
Command Modes EXEC mode.
Command History This command was modified in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.2(2).
Usage Guidelines For the show vsan membership interface command, interface information is not displayed if interfaces
are not configured on this VSAN.
The interface range must be in ascending order and non-overlapping. You can specify a range using a
hyphen and several interfaces using commas:
• The interface range format for a FC interface range is
fcslot/port - port , fcslot/port , fcslot/port
(For example,
show int fc1/1 - 3 , fc1/5 , fc2/5)
• The interface range format for a FV interface range is
fvslot/dpp/fvport - fvport , fvslot/dpp/port , fvslot/dpp/port
(For example,
show int fv2/1/1 - 3 , fv2/1/5 , fv2/2/5)
• The format for a PortChannel is
port-channel portchannel-number. subinterface-number
(For example, show int port-channel portchannel-number. subinterface-number)
vsan vsan-id Displays information for the specified VSAN ID. The range is 1 to 4093.
membership Displays membership information.
interface Specifies the interface type.
fc slot/port Specifies a Fibre Channel interface by the slot and port.
fcip fcip-id Specifies a FC IP interface ID. The range is 1 to 255.
fv slot/dpp-number/fv-p
Specifies a virtual F port (FV port) interface in the specified slot along with
the data path processor (DPP) number and the FV port number.
Specifes a PortChannel interface specified by the PortChannel number
followed by a dot (.) indicator and the subinterface number.
usage Displays VSAN usage in the system.