Cisco MDS 9000 Family Command Reference
78-16088-01, Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3
Chapter 20 Show Commands
show debug logfile
show debug logfile
To display the debug messages that are saved in the debug log file, use the show debug logfile command.
show debug logfile filename
Syntax Description
Defaults None.
Command Modes EXEC mode.
Command History This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.0(2).
Usage Guidelines None.
Examples The following example displays the debug messages in the specified debug log file.
switch# show debug logfile SampleFile
2004 Jun 28 00:14:17 snmpd[2463]: header_fspfLinkEntry : Sending GETNEXT request
for fspfLsrTable for vsanIndex =0,fspfLsrDomainId = 0, fspfLsrType = 0
2004 Jun 28 00:14:17 snmpd[2463]: header_fspfLinkEntry : Sending GETNEXT request
for fspfLsrTable for vsanIndex =0,fspfLsrDomainId = 0, fspfLsrType = 0
2004 Jun 28 00:14:17 snmpd[2463]: header_fspfLinkEntry : Recd rsp for GETNEXT fo
r entry (vsanIndex=1,fspfLsrDomainId = 10, fspfLsrType=0, fspfLinkIndex = 1,fspf
LinkNbrDomainId = 84, fspfLinkPortIndex = 67331,fspfLinkNbrPortIndex = 66064, fs
pfLinkType = 1,fspfLinkCost = 500
2004 Jun 28 00:14:17 snmpd[2463]: header_fspfLinkEntry : Sending GETNEXT request
for fspfLsrTable for vsanIndex =1,fspfLsrDomainId = 209, fspfLsrType = 0
2004 Jun 28 00:14:17 snmpd[2463]: header_fspfLinkEntry : Sending GETNEXT request
for fspfLsrTable for vsanIndex =16777216,fspfLsrDomainId = 3506438144, fspfLsr
Type = 0
2004 Jun 28 00:14:17 snmpd[2463]: header_fspfLinkEntry : Sending GETNEXT request
for fspfLsrTable for vsanIndex =33554432,fspfLsrDomainId = 4009754624, fspfLsr
Type = 16777216
filename Specifes the debug log file name. Maximum length is 80 characters.