Viewing Statistics
Etherlike Statistics
Cisco Small Business SG200 Series 8-port Smart Switch 23
Etherlike Statistics
The system collects and reports statistics on ports and LAGs in accordance with
To display this page, click Status and Statistics > Etherlike in the navigation
Select the interface (Port or LAG) for which you want to display statistics, then
select a refresh rate for the statistics. These statistics are cumulative since the last
time the page was refreshed. The following information displays for the selected
• Frame Check Sequence (FCS) Errors—FCS errors received.
• Single Collision Frames—Signal collision frame errors received.
• Late Collisions—Late collision frames received.
• Excessive Collisions—Excessive collision frames received.
• Multiple Collisions—Multiple collision frames received.
• Oversize Packets—Packets received that were longer than 1518 octets
(excluding framing bits and including FCS octets) and were otherwise well-
• Internal MAC Receive Errors—Internal MAC errors received on the LAG or
• Alignment Errors—Packets received with alignment errors
• Pause Frames Received—Pause frames received on the LAG or interface.
• Pause Frames Transmitted—Pause frames transmitted from the LAG or
To clear statistics counters:
Click Clear Interface Counters to reset all counters to 0 for the selected
Click Clear All Interface Counters to reset all counters to 0 for all