154 - 165 IP Telephony v1.0 SBA Version 1: Copyright © 2005, Cisco Systems, Inc.
1. Configure the router and switch network using a workable IP addressing scheme for
data, voice and management networks.
2. Install and configure CallManager Express on the router.
3. Configure two Cisco IP telephony phones with numbers (904) 555-5000 and (904) 555-
4. Configure a destination pattern on the routers FXS port to 555-5028.
5. Configure the GUI system administrator interface.
6. Configure the CallManager to display the DID number on the IP phones.
7. Configure the CallManager to display the company name (Acme) on the IP phone.
8. Configure the CallManager to display a label for each IP phone number. Lab the
number 5000 extension Admin and the 5001 extension Security.
All tasks must be successfully completed.
Instructor Checklist
IP Telephony
- Configure Switch _____________
- Configure Router with CME _____________
- Configure Two IP Phones _____________
- Configure FXS Port _____________
- Configure GUI Admin Interface _____________
- Configure DID on Phone Display _____________
- Configure Company Name on Phone Display _____________
- Configure Label on Phone Display _____________