96 - 165 IP Telephony v1.0 Lab 5.1.5 Copyright © 2005, Cisco Systems, Inc.
k. The Park IP phone feature allows a call to be picked up from a remote location. Say that a
hardware store has multiple lines coming into the store. Every phone in every department does
not need every one of these lines to be connected to it. Instead, the Park feature can be used.
When the main office tells a department to pick up on a particular number, it could be the Park
feature that is being used. Another good time to use the Park feature is when someone is taking
a call in their office, the employee needs the boss to hear what the caller is saying. The
employee can park the call and pick the call back up in the supervisor’s office.
From the analog phone, call one of the IP phones and answer the call.
l. On the IP phone, use the more softkey button to find and press the Park softkey button.
m. From the second IP phone, use the more softkey button to find and press the PickUp softkey
button. When dial tone is heard, dial X800 (where X is the pod number) to retrieve the parked
call. Note that the number dialed is the same number that was programmed into the virtual
ephone-dn earlier in this lab.
n. The second IP phone and the analog phone are now connected and can communicate, and the
first IP phone has been disconnected.
o. Did the call connect? If not, troubleshoot as necessary. _______________________________
p. Disconnect the call. The Park feature can also allow the original IP phone that places the call in
Park to pick up the call. From the analog phone, dial one of the IP phones and answer the call.
q. Use the more softkey button to find and press the Park softkey button.
r. From the IP phone that parked the call, use the more softkey button to find and press the
PickUp softkey button. When a dial tone is heard, press * to retrieve the call.
s. Did the call connect? If not, troubleshoot as necessary. ______________________________