profiles A Profi le allows you to create a number of shortcuts to various functions of your
surround sound processor.
Two separate profi les can be customized with up to six commands each. Any
defi ned profi le has a named button available on the home page, as shown above.
NOTE: By default both profi les are inactive, therefore the profi les button
does not appear on the home screen.
• To modify a profi le name touch the Name button. A profi le name can be
up to 14 characters long.
• Touch the Commands button to select the functions that are displayed
in the profi le. Under Commands is a list of up to 6 command buttons.
For each button, you may assign a function from the list of operations.
Eff ectively you are creating a customized page of the operations you might
use the most.
• Select the OSD button to show the profi le control page on the video
display when that profi le is selected. Otherwise, selection of the profi le
commands is seen only on the front panel LCD.
• Select the In Use button to add this profi le to the Home page menu.
Profi les give you the ability to directly access functions without having to
remember how to navigate to their location in the menu structure. ese are
especially useful if you frequently fi nd yourself navigating to the same set of