
using CAN-Bus CAN-Bus is controlled via the touchscreen of any Delta series component.  ere
is no master component, so Delta series systems where two or more units have
a touchscreen can be controlled through any of the touchscreens. However, it is
probably easiest to start using CAN-Bus through just one.
CAN-Bus is accessed by pressing the menu button on the face of the unit or
remote, then the status button, followed by the more button.
e touchscreen will then display the CAN-Bus devices screen, which lists
connected Delta series components by model & serial number.
Highlighting a unit on the CAN-Bus devices screen identifi es it as the target
unit.  e front panel LEDs of the target unit will start fl ashing (unless you
highlight the unit that you are using to access CAN-Bus).
Once you have chosen the target unit press select.  e target unit’s LEDs will
stop fl ashing and the touch screen will list the CAN-Bus features available to it.
Some CAN-Bus features are shared by all models, some are specifi c to individual