
Cloudmark Cartridge Installation and Administration Guide Chapter 1
4 Message categorization
Message categorization
When scoring a message with the Cloudmark Authority Engine SDK’s
CMAE_Score() function, an application can request that the cartridge return a
category and a subcategory for the message. Categories and subcategories are
expressed as integers, which are mapped to categories in the .cats file. See the .cats
file for the list of categories.
For example, using the Authority Engine SDK, the following call produces a
message score and category:
CMAE_Score(CMAE_Envelope Envelope,
const char *RFC822Content, size_t RFC822ContentLength,
unsigned int *ScoreOut,
unsigned int *CategoryOut, unsigned int *SubCategoryOut,
unsigned int *RescanOut, char **AnalysisOut);
If CategoryOut is 7and SubCategoryOut is 0, then the cartridge has categorized
the message as a virus message. The following call provides more information:
CMAE_DescribeCategory(unsigned int Category, unsigned int SubCategory,
char **CategoryDescOut, char **SubCategoryDescOut);
With Category=7 and SubCategory=0, CategoryDescOut would contain an
allocated string “virus”, and SubCategoryDescOut would contain an allocated
string “undefined”.
For detailed information about using this feature in your application, see the
Cloudmark Authority Engine SDK Guide.
Cartridge statistics
By default, the Cloudmark Cartridge sends cartridge configuration information
and message scanning statistics back to Cloudmark. By collecting this
information, Cloudmark can more effectively detect potential accuracy issues
and proactively address them before there is a need for the customer to contact
Cloudmark. If your organization has special privacy concerns, contact
For complete information, see Chapter 6, “Cartridge Statistics Reporting”.