Cartridge Statistics Reporting
The Cloudmark Cartridge collects statistics about message classification and
reports these statistics to Cloudmark. These statistics are used in conjunction
with feedback data collected from the Cloudmark Network Feedback System
(CNFS) to provide customers and Cloudmark with visibility into filtering
accuracy at customer sites.
! As of Cartridge 3047, statistics reporting is mandatory. If your organization has
special privacy concerns, contact Cloudmark.
This chapter includes the following topics:
• “How statistics are reported to Cloudmark” below
• “What statistics are collected” on page 31
• “Cartridge reporting configuration” on page 35
How statistics are reported to Cloudmark
Statistics are always collected at each Cartridge installation. Collected statistics
are not written to disk and they are not accessible at an installation. By default,
statistics are reported to Cloudmark at the following URL:
The default hostname is microupdates.cloudmark.com. If the Cartridge is
configured to use an HTTP proxy for micro-update downloads, statistics will be
sent using the same HTTP proxy. See “Using HTTP proxies” on page 19.