Compaq ProLiant 3000 Servers, for use with Intel 350 MHz or greater processor-based servers only, Maintenance and Service Guide
DAAD Diagnostic Messages
Message Description Recommended Action
violations for drive
(bay) X
This is a list of the individual thresholds
that have been violated for this drive.
The drive may need to be replaced. Run the Compaq
Diagnostics Utility to determine if the drive has been
initialized and the threshold violation warrants drive
Unknown disable
A code was returned from the array
accelerator board that DAAD does not
Obtain the latest version of DAAD.
Warning bit
A monitor and performance threshold
violation may have occurred. The status
of a logical drive may not be OK.
Check the other error messages for an indication of the
Write Cache is
enabled on X
Drive has its internal write cache
enabled. The drive may be a third-party
drive or the drive’s operating
parameters may have been altered.
Condition may cause data corruption if
power to the drive is interrupted.
Replace the drive with a Compaq supplied drive, or
restore the drive’s operating parameters.
Wrong Accelerator This could mean that either the board
was replaced in the wrong slot or
placed in a system that was previously
configured with another board type.
Included with this message is a
message indicating the type of adapter
sensed by DAAD and a message
indicating the type of adapter last
configured in EISA nonvolatile RAM.
Check the diagnosis screen for other error messages.
Run the System Configuration Utility to update the
system configuration.