3-10 Diagnostic Tools
POST Error Messages
Error Code
Audible Beeps
L=Long S=Short
Probable Source of Problem
Recommended Action
1751-Fixed Disk 1
failed Identify
None Fixed disk drive error. Run the System Configuration Utility
and correct.
1760-Fixed Disk 0
does not support
Block Mode
None Fixed disk drive error. Run the System Configuration Utility
and correct.
1761-Fixed Disk 1
does not support
Block Mode
None Fixed disk drive error. Run the System Configuration Utility
and correct.
1764-Slot x Drive Array - Capacity Expansion Process is temporarily disabled
(followed by one of the following):
n Expansion will resume when Array Accelerator has been reattached.
n Expansion will resume when Array Accelerator has been replaced.
n Expansion will resume when Array Accelerator RAM allocation is
n Expansion will resume when Array Accelerator battery reaches full
n Expansion will resume when automatic data recovery has been
Reattach or replace Array Accelerator,
wait until the Array Accelerator batteries
have charged, or for Automatic Data
Recovery to complete, as indicated.
1765-Slot x Drive Array Option ROM Appears to Conflict With an ISA Card. ISA
cards with 16-bit memory cannot be configured in memory range C0000 to
DFFFF along with the SMART-2/E 8-bit Option ROM due to EISA bus
limitations. Please remove or reconfigure your ISA card.
Remove or reconfigure conflicting ISA
cards. Disable “shared memory” on any
ISA network cards that may be
1766-Slot x Drive Array requires System ROM Upgrade. Run Systems
ROMPaq Utility.
Run the latest Systems ROMPaq Utility
to upgrade your System ROMs.
1767-Slot x Drive Array Option ROM is Not Programmed Correctly or may
Conflict with the Memory Address Range of an ISA Card. Check the Memory
Address Configuration of installed ISA Card(s) or run Options ROMPaq Utility to
attempt SMART-2/E Option ROM Reprogramming.
Remove or reconfigure conflicting ISA
cards, especially any cards that are not
recognized by the System Configuration
Utility. Try reprogramming the
SMART-2/E Controller’s ROMs using the
latest Options ROMPaq (version 2.29 or