ProLiant 3000 Setup and Installation Guide
Writer: Tom Erber Project: ProLiant 3000 Setup and Installation Guide Comments: 296908-002
File Name: F-CH05.DOC Last Saved On: 1/27/98 4:22 PM
Configuration Backup
The Configuration Backup option allows you to create a backup of the system
configuration and to restore the system configuration from the backup.
The following menu options are available:
■ Backup
■ Restore
Configuration Backup and
Configuration History Files
When you save and exit the System Configuration Utility, the utility keeps a
history of the configuration. The utility maintains three versions of the system
configuration files, including the current and two previous configurations in
both binary (.SCI) and text (.CHL) file formats.
■ The .SCI files can be used to restore a previous configuration using the
System Configuration menu and Restore System Configuration from a
.SCI File submenu.
■ The .CHL files are text-based files displaying information that is stored
in the corresponding .SCI file.