Technical Reference Guide
Compaq Deskpro 4000N and 4000S Personal Computers
First Edition - September 1997
Chapter 8
Chapter 8 BIOS ROM
The Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) of the computer is a collection of machine language
programs stored as firmware in read-only memory (ROM). The BIOS ROM includes such
functions as Power-On Self Test (POST), PCI device initialization, Plug ‘n Play support, power
management activities, and Setup. This chapter includes the following topics:
♦ Boot Functions (8.2) page 8-2
♦ Accessing configuration memory (8.3) page 8-3
♦ Client management support (8.4) page 8-5
♦ PnP support (8.5) page 8-17
♦ Power management support (8.6) page 8-18
The firmware contained in the BIOS ROM supports the following operating systems:
♦ DOS 6.2
♦ Windows 3.1
♦ Windows for Workgroups 3.11
♦ Windows 95
♦ Windows NT 3.5
♦ OS/2 ver 2.1
♦ OS/2 Warp
♦ SCO Unix
The microprocessor accesses the BIOS ROM as a 128-KB block from E0000h to FFFFFh. The
BIOS data is shadowed in a 64-KB block in the upper memory area. The BIOS segments are
dynamically paged in and out of the 64-KB block as they are needed.
This chapter describes BIOS in general and focuses on aspects of BIOS unique
to this particular system. For detailed information regarding the BIOS, refer to the
Compaq Basic Input/Output System Technical Reference Guide.