Technical Reference Guide
Compaq Deskpro 4000N and 4000S Personal Computers
First Edition - September 1997
Peripheral and Input Device Record, SIT Record 07h
Byte Function
00h Record ID 07h
01h No. of Data Bytes in Record 34h
02h DMA Functions, SCSI Support, Flashable ROM, Setup
Partition, 101 Keyboard
03h Erase-Eaze Kybd. Support in ROM, El Torito CD Boot
Support, QuickBoot, ROM Functions
04h Formfactor 04h, DT
05h, MT
05h Softdrive 1 & 2 Data FFh
06h Softdrive 3 & 4 Data FFh
07h-0Ah Softdrive 1-4 Starting Address all 0s
0Bh Panel ID 00h
0Ch Integrated Monitor, ROM Socket, No. of Prog. Serial Ports 12h
0Dh Parallel Port Mode, Modem Type 00h
0Eh Drive Fault Prediction Support for Drives 0-3 F1h
0Fh, 10h PCI Bus Master CMOS Data 0000h
11h, 12h VGA Palette Snoop Function 0000h
13h Misc. PCI Information 01h
14h, 15h I/O Address for I
C Device 00h
16h I
C Information Byte 00h
17h ATAPI Device Information (Logical Devices 1 & 2) 00h
18h ATAPI Device Information (Logical Devices 3 & 4) 00h
19h 3-D Audio Support 00h
1Ah BIOS Supported Features 00h
1Bh Misc. Features (Power Inhibit Support) 01h
1Ch, 1Dh Back-to-Back I/O Delay Index 0 0420h
1Eh, 1Fh Back-to-Back I/O Delay Index 1 0300h
20h, 21h Back-to-Back I/O Delay Index 2 0660h
22h, 23h Back-to-Back I/O Delay Index 3 0780h
24h Back-to-Back I/O Delay NVRAM Location n/a
25h Bit Mask for Byte 24h n/a
26h O/S Boot NVRAM Location n/a
27h Bit Mask for Byte 26h n/a
28h-2Bh IDE Drive 0-3 Max DMA/PIO Mode n/a
2Ch-2Dh Offset Address in EBDA for Bezel Button n/a
2Eh Processor Upgrade Mounting 01h
2Fh Parallel Port Connector Type/Pinout 41h
30h Serial Port Connector Type 01h
31h Serial Port Maximum Speed 16h
32h Serial Port Maximum Speed E3h
33h Serial Port Maximum Speed 60h
34h DMA Burst Mode Support 0Bh
35h Keyboard Connector Type 13h