Preface ..................................................... ix
Part I Using the Software Products Library CD
1 Before Installing TP Desktop Connector from the Software
Products Library CD
1.1 Overview of the Software Products Library Installation ....... 1–1
1.2 Software and Hardware Prerequisites . . ................... 1–2
1.3 Installation Procedure Requirements . . . ................... 1–3
2 Installing TP Desktop Connector from the Software Products
Library CD
2.1 Installing the TP Desktop Connector Gateway for ACMS
Software . ........................................... 2–1
2.2 Installing the Client Kit ................................ 2–2
3 After Installing from the Software Products Library CD
3.1 After Installing the Gateway Software . . ................... 3–1
3.2 After Installing TP Desktop Connector Client Software ........ 3–1
3.2.1 Editing Startup Files ............................... 3–2
3.2.2 After Installing Non–VMS Clients . . ................... 3–2 Transferring Client Files to a Windows System ........ 3–3 Transferring Client Files to a Tru64 UNIX System . . . . . 3–4
3.2.3 Installing the Client Services Interface on OpenVMS
Systems ......................................... 3–5
3.2.4 Verifying the Motif Client Sample on OpenVMS .......... 3–5
3.3 Setting Up the Avertz ACMS Sample Application on an
OpenVMS System . ................................... 3–6