
Running the TP Desktop Connector
Gateway for ACMS IVP
This chapter describes how to run the gateway installation verification
procedure (IVP) separately from the installation procedure. The IVP can be
run as a part of the normal installation when you answer YES to the IVP
question. If the IVP fails for any reason, correct the error and rerun the IVP.
See Chapter 9 for information on providing the IVP with information required
for the installation procedure. Run separately from the installation procedure,
the IVP can check the integrity of installed files on the system.
11.1 IVP Operations
The IVP checks that:
1. The installation procedure successfully completed installing TP Desktop
2. The installed software can be used to set up and run TP Desktop software.
3. All the necessary files are on the system.
The IVP does not check that the applications run correctly.
11.2 Running the IVP Independently
This section describes the requirements and steps to run the IVP.
11.2.1 IVP Requirements
If disk quotas are enabled, the IVP cannot run. The procedure checks to see
whether disk quotas are enabled just after checking the process quotas. If disk
quotas are enabled, the procedure provides an informational message to that
effect and terminates.
Running the TP Desktop Connector Gateway for ACMS IVP 11–1