wakeup k0x0187a220 374923
thread_timeout k0x010ee950 376286
thread_timeout k0x0132f220 40724481
realitexpire k0x01069950 80436086
thread_timeout k0x01bba950 82582849
The abscallout extension displays the absolute callout table. This table
contains callout entries with the absolute time in fractions of seconds. This
extension has the following format:
For example:
Processor: 0
============================= =========== =============
psx4_tod_expire k0x01580808 86386.734375
psx4_tod_expire k0x01580840 172786.734375
psx4_tod_expire k0x01580878 259186.734375
psx4_tod_expire k0x015808b0 345586.718750
psx4_tod_expire k0x015808e8 431986.718750
psx4_tod_expire k0x01580920 518386.718750
psx4_tod_expire k0x01580958 604786.750000
psx4_tod_expire k0x01580990 691186.750000
psx4_tod_expire k0x015809c8 777586.750000
psx4_tod_expire k0x01580a00 863986.750000 Casting Information Stored in a Specific Address
The cast extension forces dbx to display part of memory as the specified
type and is equivalent to the following command:
dbx print *((type ) address )
The cast extension has the following format:
cast address type
For example:
(kdbx) cast 0xffffffff903e3828 char
’^@’ Displaying Machine Configuration
The config extension displays the configuration of the machine. This
extension has the following format:
Kernel Debugging Utilities 2–19