For example:
(kdbx) config
Bus #0 (0xfffffc000048c6a0): Name - "tc" Connected to - "nexus"
Config 1 - tcconfl1 Config 2 - tcconfl2
Controller "scc" (0xfffffc000048c970)
(kdbx) Converting the Base of Numbers
The convert extension converts numbers from one base to another. This
extension has the following format:
convert [-in [ 8
16] ] [-out [ 2
16] ] [ args]
The −in and −out flags specify the input and output bases, respectively. If
you omit −in, the input base is inferred from the arguments. The arguments
can be numbers or variables.
For example:
(kdbx) convert -in 16 -out 10 864c2a14
(kdbx) Displaying CPU Use Statistics
The cpustat extension displays statistics about CPU use. Statistics
displayed include percentages of time the CPU spends in the following states:
• Running user level code
• Running system level code
• Running at a priority set with the nice() function
• Idle
• Waiting (idle with input or output pending)
This extension has the following format:
cpustat [ -update n] [ -cpu n]
The −update flag specifies that kdbx update the output every n seconds.
The −cpu flag controls the CPU for which kdbx displays statistics. By
default, kdbx displays statistics for all CPUs in the system.
For example:
(kdbx) cpustat
Cpu User (%) Nice (%) System (%) Idle (%) Wait (%)
===== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
0 0.23 0.00 0.08 99.64 0.05
1 0.21 0.00 0.06 99.68 0.05
2–20 Kernel Debugging Utilities