Appendix A
blocking/unblocking command. CMOS initia- lization done(if any). CMOS status
register about to Init for Date and Time. CMOS status register about to Init for Date
and Time. Refresh on and about to start 64K base memory test. Confirmed refresh
ON & about to start 64K memory.
(10)DMA controller test 0 register
(10)DMA channel 1 Test. Test DMA controller 1 with AA, 55,FF,00 pattern.8237
DMA,channel 0 test.
(10)PPI disabled, Program timers 0 & 1.
Chips & Tech (10)(Beeps)=19 short, IDT,GDT failure.
enix&Dell (10)Initialize Power Management.(Beep)=1
timers.[Beep]=2-1-1 1st 64K RAM chip or data line failure-bit 0.
(11)Pin23,24 of keyboard controller is blocked/unblocked. Going to check to check
pressing of <INS>key during power-on.CMOS status register initialized. Going to
disable DMA and Interrupt controllers. Going to disable DMA and interrupt controllers.
Address line test passed. Address line test passed.
(11)DMA controller test register 1.
(11)DMA page register test. Test DMA page registers, use I/O ports to test address
circuits. POST enables user reboot here. Test DMA page registers. FATAL DISPLAY ER-
RORS.8237 DMA, channel 1 test.
(11)Init(blast)VDU controllers.
Chips & Tech (11)Register LDT failure.
Phoenix&Dell (11)Load alternate registers with POST values.(Beep)=1
data line failure-bit 1.
(12)Checking for pressing of <INS>key during power-on done. Going to disable
DMA and Interrupt controllers.DMA controller#1,#2,interrupt controller#1,#2 disabled. About
to disable Video display and Init port-B. About to disable video display and Init port-B.64K
base memory test passed. 64K base memory test
(12)DMA page registers test.
(12)Call support 800-909-3424. Test 8254 timer 0 channel 0. Test DMA page
(12)Clear screen, turn on video.
Chips & Tech (12)Task register failure.
Phoenix&Dell (12)Restore CPU control word during warm boot. Jump to User Path
3.Test both 8237 DMA controllers. 1st 64K RAM chip or data line
failure-bit 2.
(13)DMA controller#1,#2,interrupt controller#1,#2disa- bled. About to disable
Video display and initialize port-B. Chipset initialize/auto memory detection about
to begin. Replace first memory SIMM.(13)Chipset initialize/auto memory detection
about to begin. Check first SIMM.(13) Interrupt vectors initialized.
(13)Initialize video.
(13)Test 8254 timer 0 channel 1. Test keyboard controller.
Chips & Tech (13)LSL instruction failure.
bit 3. Initialize PCI Bus
Mastering devices.
(14)Chipset initialization/auto memory detection over. To un-compress the POST
code if compressed BIOS.8254 timer test about to start.8254 timer test about to start.8042
keyboard controller test OK.
(14)Memory refresh test.
(14)Test 8254 timer 0 counter 2. Test timer counter 2; Test 8254 timer 0 counter 2.
Test memory refresh.
4)Disable RTC interrupts.
Chips & Tech (14)LAR failure.
Phoenix&Dell (14)Initialize keyboard
controller.(Beep)=1-2-2-1.Initialize 8237
controllers.[Beep]=2-2-1 1st 64K RAM chip or data line failure-bit 4.
Error Code - 15
(15)POST code is un-compressed.8254 timer about to start. CH-2 timer test
halfway.8254 CH-2 timer test to be complete.8254 CH-2 timer test to be completed. Interrupt
vectors initialized. CMOS read/write test OK.
(15)test 8259 interrupt mask bits for channel 1. Test 8259-1 mask bits; Verify 8259 channel 1
masked interrupt by alternate turning off and on the interrupt line. Test
1st 64K of system memory.
(15)Check battery power.