Water shouldnotremainintheunitfor longperiodsof time.
Sedimentsofmineralscan depositon pumppartsand
Flush detergent hose by placing the injectorfilter into
a pail _f clear water while running Pressure Washer
with nozzle in low pressure mode. Flush until you can
see clear water runningthrough the tube.
Shut off the engine and let itcool, then remove all
CAUTION: Be sure throttle lever is in
"STOP" position before you continue. If
you start engine without the proper water
supply connected, you can damage the
Empty the pump of all pumped liquids by pulling recoil
handle about 6 times. This should remove most of the
liquid in the pump.
Coil the high pressurehose and inspect itfor damage.
Cuts inthe hose or fraying of itcould resultin leaks
and lossof pressure.Should any damage be found,
replace the hose. DO NOT attempt to repaira dam-
aged hose. Replace the hose with the genuine
Craftsman part.
It is importantto prevent gum depositsfrom forming in
essential fuel system parts such as the carburetor,fuel fil-
ter, fuel hose or tank duringstorage. Also, experience
indicatesthat alcohol-blendedfuels (calledgasohol,
ethanol or methanol) can attract moisturewhichleadsto .
separationand formation of acids duringstorage. Acidic
gas can damage the fuel system of an engine whilein
To avoid engine problems, the fuel system should be
emptied before storage of 30 days or longer. Follow these
_k DANGER: Drain fuel into approved con-
tainer outdoors, away from open flame. Be
sure engine is cool. Do not smoke.
Remove all gasolinefromthe fuel tankto prevent gum
depositsfrom forming on these parts and causing pos-
sible malfunctionof engine.
Run engine untilengine stops from lack of fuel. Make
sure you have water supplyto pumpinlet connected
and turned ON.
While engine is stillwarm, drain oil from crankcase. Refill
with recommendedgrade. (See Changing Oil Level on
Page 11.)
Drain water from hose and properly hang it on the
wire supportprovided on the guide handle. OIL CYLINDER BORE
,_ DANGER: NEVER store engine with fuel in I - Remove spark plugand pour about 1/2 ounce (15ml)
tank indoors or in enclosed, poorly ventilat- I of engine oil intothe cylinder.Cover spark plughole
ed areas where fumes may reach an open I / A CAUTION: Avoid spray from spark plug
flame, spark or pilot light as on a furnace, [ _ hole when cranking engine slowly.
water heater, clothes dryer or other gas I
appliance. I with rag. Crank slowlyto distributeoil.
• Installspark plug. Do not connectsparkplug wire.
• Store in a clean, dry area.
CAUTION: You must protect your unit
from freezing temperatures. Failure to do so
will permanently damage your pump and
render your unit inoperable.
To protect the unit from freezing temperatures:
• Draw windshieldwasher fluidintothe pump by pour-
ingthe washer fluid into a 3-foot sectionof garden
hose connectedto the inletadapter and pullingthe
recoilhandle twice.
Do not store gasoline from one season to another.
Replace your gasolinecan if yourcan startsto rust.
Rust and/or dirtin your gasolinewill cause problems.
If possible, store your unit indoorsand cover itto give
protectionfrom dust and dirt. BE SURE TO EMPTY
Cover your unit with a suitable protective cover that
does not retain moisture.
IMPORTANT: NEVER cover yourpressure washer while
engine and exhaust area are warm.
Ifyou do notplan tousethe PressureWasherfor morethan
30 days,youmustprepare the engine for long termstorage.
Note: As always, prepare the pressure washer pump as
you would after each use.