You have assembled yourhigh pressurewasher and
have prepared the enginefor starting.You are now ready
to clean yourcar, boat or whatever you plan to dean.
Place the pressurewasher in an area close enough to
an outside water sourcethat can flow at a rate of at
least 2 gallons per minute. Connecta garden hose to
the water spout.
Check that the.high pressurehose is tightlyconnected
to the spray gun and to the pump. See ASSEMBLY
sectionfor illustrations.
Pull back on the locking collarto remove the female
quick-connect from pump.
Assembled Pull back on locking
Quick-Connect collar to separate
Disassembled Disassembled
male end female end
Note: You will also need to pullbackon the lockingcollar
to attach the female quick-connect.
Check inlet screen. Ifthe screen is dirty, clean
before attaching to garden hose. If the screen is
damaged, Do not connect to the garden hose. Call
the pressure washer customer helpline to order a
Attach the female quick-connect togarden hoseand
then attach the garden hoseto the water inlet. Make
sure the quick--connectis lockedtogether.
• Turn on the water.
IMPORTANT: Do not run pump withoutthe water supply
connectedand turned on. You must follow thiscaution or
the pumpwill be damaged.
• Move the Throttle Control Leverto the 'Fast'
• Set Choke Lever to "Choke" position.Note: This isa
Note: For a warm engine, be sure the ThrottleControl
Lever is in the 'Fast' position and the Choke Lever is in
the "Run" position.
Positionthe nozzle in the low pressure mode (nozzle
slidforward) and squeeze the trigger on the spray gun
to relievethe air pressurecaused by turningON the
water. Water will spew out the gun in a thinstream.
Continueto hold triggeruntilyou have a steady
stream of waterand no air remains in the system. This
willmake it easier to pull startthe engine. Release the
Engagethe safety latch on the gun.
Grasp rope handle and pull slowly untilyou feel some
resistance.Then pull cordrapidly to overcome com-
pression,preventkickbackand startthe engine. Let
ropereturnto starter slowly.
Note: Always keep the Throttle Control Lever in the 'Fast'
positionwhen operatingthe pressurewasher.
• When the engine starts, graduallymove the Choke
Lever from one positionto the next untilit is in the
"Run" position.
Note: If after 3 pullsthe engine fails to start, move the
Choke Lever to the 'Run' position and pull the recoil
starter handle rapidly(Max. 3 pulls).
We recommendthat you DO NOT siphonstanding water
for yourwater supply.Contaminated, brackishor dirty
water can damage the pump. Connect onlyto household
water supply.
• Never usethe garden hoseinlet to siphondetergent or
• If you havethe spray nozzle too far away, the cleaning
willnot be as effective.