carburetor,fuelfitterhoseor tank during storage. Also,
'_._xperienceJndioatesthat alcohoFblended fueJs (¢atled
'gasohoi or using ethanol or methanol) can attract mois-
ture which leads to separation and formation of acids
during storage. Acidic gas can damage the fuel system
of an engine while in storage, To avoid engine problems,
the fuel system shouJd be emptied before storage of 30
days or longer. Never use engine or carburetor cleaner
prod_Jcts inthe fuel tank or permanent damage may
i A CAUTION, Never start pressure washer with out
water source turned on and connected to pressure_
washer, j
To Start Your Pressure Washer
Make sure fue! shutoff valve isturned to the open
• Remove gas cap
.._Add unleaded gasoline, slowly, to fuel tank.
• Do not overfill.
- Squeeze trigger on pressure washer wand to relieve air
pressure caused by turning on the water_ Water will
spew out of the gun in a thin stream, This will make it
easier to start the engine.
, Engage the safety latch on the spray gun, This locks
the trigger in place and keeps you from accidentally
spraying a high pressure stream.
• On the engine there is a choke/run tever, Place lever
to the choke position.
, On the engine there Is a throttle control lever. Place
throttle to the rabbit position. Always start engine
with throttle In the rabbit position. Place on/stop
switch to the "on" postton.
• Connect garden hose to the water inlet on the
pressure washer. Tighten by turning water inlet
- Connect high pressure hose to discharge on pump,,
* Connect the garden hose to the water spout and turn
water supply on.
• Make sure fuel shut off valve isto the on position.
o Grasp the starter grip and pull slowly until resistance
is felt, then pull firmly to start engine.
• When engine starts, grac_ual]ymove choke lever to
RUN position.
° If engine does not start after 5 pulls, place choke
back to run position.
• For hot engine starts make sure choke/run lever is in
the run position, Make sure fuel shut off valve is open
and throttle is in the Rabbit position.
NOTE: if any leaks are present shtrt unit down and
tighten fittEngs.