Combined AV Headset Application
© Cambridge Silicon Radio Limited 2005
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Step 6: Build av_headset_hfp Application
Select Build / Build menu or press F7 to build the av_headset_hfp VM application.
Figure 5.4: Build av_headset_hfp Application
Step 7: Download and Execute Combined AV Headset Application
Run from the Debug menu or press F5 to download and execute the application. The application image
(including the DSP code built in Step 3) will be downloaded to the BlueCore3-Multimedia development board
connected to your PC.
5.2 Building the Combined Headset Application with MP3 Support
The DSP libraries required to build the MP3 decoder must be obtained and installed separately (please contact
the support channel for details).They contain MP3 technology which incorporates intellectual property owned by
Thomson and/or Fraunhofer Gesellschaft.
Note: The Combined Headset application does not need to include the MP3 support code and can be built using
just the sbc_decoder.xiw as long as the MP3 add on executable has not been run.
Supply of this product does not convey a license under the relevant intellectual property of Thomson and/or
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft nor imply any right to use this product in any finished end user or ready-to-use final
product. An independent license for such use is required. For details, please visit http://www.mp3licensing.com.
Note: Once the MP3 add-on has been installed the av_headset_hfp.xiw will not download without the
mp3_decoder.xiw having been built.
Step 1: Installing the MP3 add-on
Having installed BlueLab v3.2, install
BlueLab_3.2-release-mp3.exe (available via your usual support