
Decoder behaviour settings
© Cambridge Silicon Radio Limited 2005
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_äìÉi~Ä»=îPKO=Combined AV Headset User Guide=
8 Decoder behaviour settings
The codec library contains a range of settings that control the decoding behaviour of the DSP.
The values defined for the variable
$decoder_codec_stream_struc control the user experience,
especially when the device is at the extreme limits of Bluetooth range.
The parameters themselves are defined in the
$decoder_codec_stream_struc source code found in
C:\BlueLab\apps\av_headset_hfp\codec_decoder.asm. The numerical values can be simply
manipulated in the source code to optimise the required.
Note: The decoder project must be rebuilt in xIDE when any of these parameter values is changed in the source code.
See the xIDE on-line help (DSP Reference guide/File List/codec/stream_decode) for further explanation.