
Quick Start
38 Pegaso™ Industrial PDA with Windows
Update the device with the latest changes. You can perform individual
updates to clients that are currently in range and running the Ava-
lanche Enabler or an Avalanche-enabled application. The rules that
govern which mobile devices can receive a particular update are deter-
mined by the selection criteria.
Connect through RAPI gateways. You can use Microsoft ActiveSync
connections that exist on the system that hosts the Mobile Device
Server. Avalanche SE can automatically detect these connections and
create a gateway that allows you to use the connection to facilitate
communication between the Mobile Device Server and a mobile
Additional Functionality
Connect to mobile devices using Remote Control. Refer to Connect to
Devices Using Remote Control on page 40
Launch Session Monitor. Session Monitor allows you to view the Tel-
net Client on a mobile device from the Avalanche SE console. To use
the Session Monitor, you must have Telnet Client 5.x or later installed
on the mobile device. For more information, refer to the Wavelink Tel-
net Client User Guide on the enclosed CD or at the Wavelink web site
Configure Network and Wireless Settings
A network profile allows you to control network and wireless settings for all
devices meeting its selection criteria.
Create a Network Profile. From the Quick Start tab, select Create a
Network Profile
. Use the options in the Network Profile tab to create and
configure a new network profile.
Configure Selection Criteria. Define the selection criteria to con-
trol the distribution of the profile.
Configure General Settings. After creating a network profile,
access the
General Settings tab by selecting the network profile and click-
ing the
Edit button. From General Settings tab you can enable the profile