Dell Converged Enhanced Ethernet Administrator’s Guide 143
Debugging and logging commands
Use of the flash:// prefix is optional.
Debugging and logging commands
Table 26 describes the tasks related to debugging and logging commands on the switch. The
Converged Enhanced Ethernet Command Reference contains complete information on all
available CLI commands.
Perform the following tasks from Privileged EXEC mode.
TABLE 25 CEE Flash memory file management commands
Task Command
List the files in the Flash memory directory. switch#dir
Delete a file from the Flash memory directory. switch#delete flash://example_filename
Erase all the files in the Flash memory directory.
NOTE: This command erases all the files in the
Flash directory except the default startup
configuration file which is programmed as
a manufacturing default.
switch#erase flash
% Warning: Erasing flash filesystem will
remove all files in flash://.
Continue to erase?(y/n):y
Rename a file in the Flash. switch#rename filename new_filename
Display the contents of a file in the Flash memory
switch#show file flash://example_filename
TABLE 26 Debugging and logging commands
Task Command
Display debugging information for CEE
switch#show debug
Display logging information for CEE components. switch#show logging
Display the collection of information needed for
technical support.
switch#show tech-support
NOTE: The supportsave command in Fabric OS includes the debugging data provided by the above commands.